UKNorth East EnglandIndustrial Sherburn42 LS
LS25 Sherburn42
To Let 280,000 sf Distribution unit
Modern unit, Eaves 12m+, Level Loading Doors, Dock Levellers, Generous Parking, multiple HGV spaces, HGV turning circle, Yard depth 50m+, edge/out of town, Motorway < 8Km/5miles
Part of an established and successful development, Sherburn42 is a significant new industrial scheme set in North Yorkshire. Situated in one of the region's most..
From Sherburn42, 1.1 million potential customers can be reached within a 30 mile radius, with high-speed links to Junction 42 of the A1(M) creating..
LS25 Sherburn42
To Let 57,750 sf General Industrial, Warehouse, Distribution unit
New unit, Eaves 12m+, Dock Levellers, Good Parking, Yard depth 50m+
Part of an established and successful development, Sherburn42 is a significant new industrial..
From Sherburn42, 1.1 million potential customers can be reached within a 30 mile radius, with..