UKSouth East EnglandOffice Cambridge Business Park CB
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Cambridge Business Park


CB4 Matrix House
To Let 22,681 sf Office, R&D / Laboratory
Modern Offices, LED Lighting, Car spaces, Entire Building, EPC C
The property is due to undergo comprehensive refurbishment and conversion to provide flexible..
A detached self-contained building occupying a prominent position on Cambridge Business Park, approximately two miles north east of Cambridge city centre..
CB4 Building B
To Let 13,435 - 42,506 sf Office, R&D / Laboratory
Modern Offices, Air Conditioning, Raised Floors, Suspended Ceilings, Meeting Rooms, Atrium, Garden, 24hr Security, Car spaces, Cycle spaces, Showers
42,500 sq ft of high quality air conditioned offices available, Building B offers a..
Cambridge North rail station is just a short walk away, the A14 within half a mile and..
CB4 Newnham House
To Let 13,401 - 42,877 sf
HQ Building, Open Plan, Atrium, M/F WCs on each floor, 24hr Manned Entrance, Car spaces, Showers, Restaurant on site
HQ style detached self contained building with an impressive double height glazed atrium and..
Cambridge Business Park is located north east of Cambridge city centre easily accessible..
CB4 Newnham House
To Let 42,877 sf
HQ Building, Open Plan, Atrium, M/F WCs on each floor, Car spaces, Showers, Restaurant on site
The property has an impressive double height glazed atrium and reception area, leading into open plan offices over three..
An imposing, three storey headquarters-style office building set in the mature landscaped environment of..